For nearly 90 years, scientists at PRI have been pursuing research in paleontology, which is one of the core functions established at the Institution’s founding in 1932. Our current researchers include 7 PhD-level staff members who study a wide variety of topics in addition to their other work for the Institution. Much of their research focuses on using the fossil record, as well as information from modern species, to answer questions related to conservation paleobiology, systematics, and macroevolution.

PRI is formally affiliated with Cornell University’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and several staff members teach courses and advise work by graduate and undergraduate students at Cornell. In addition, PRI-affiliated Research Associates collaborate with staff, increase activity in our collections, and broaden our scope of expertise.

Our research facilities provide workplaces for our scientists and offer research training and resources to students and teachers.


Research Areas

Conservation Paleobiology

Conservation Paleobiology applies paleontological data and methods in novel ways to preserve species, conserve habitats, and sustain the services provided by ecosystems.


Systematics is focused on the discovery and documentation of ancient and modern biodiversity, as well as determination of the relationships among species.


Macroevolution is the study of the evolutionary history of species and higher taxa, as well as the processes responsible for large-scale biodiversity patterns observed in the fossil record.


Research Associates

Dr. Gordon Baird, SUNY Fredonia

Dr. Ann F. Budd, University of Iowa

Dr. Carlton Brett, University of Cincinnati

Marla L. Coppolino

Dr. John C. Handley

Dr. Erynn Johnson

Dr. Patricia H. Kelley, University of North Carolina at Wilmington

Dr. Paula Mikkelsen

Dr. Veronica Padovani

Dr. Robin Hadlock Seeley

Dr. Richard Waite

Dr. John Wehmiller

Dr. Karl Wilson, Binghamton University