
Friend, D.S., Anderson, B.M., and W.D. Allmon, 2024, The hollow newel state in gastropods: when snail shells are open-axis. Journal of Molluscan Studies 90: eyae001. Link


Allmon, W.D. and D.S. Friend, 2023, Review and revision of the Olivoidea (Neogastropoda) from the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain. Journal of Paleontology 97(S91): 1-42. Link

Anderson, B.M., and W.D. Allmon, 2023, Phylogeny and systematics of fossil and recent Vermicularia (Caenogastropoda: Turritellidae). Malacologia 66(1-2): 1-59. Link

Dietl, G.P., Durham, S.R., Clark, C., and R. Prado, 2023, Better together: building an engaged conservation paleobiology science for the future. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2023: e12246. Link

Durham, S.R., Dietl, G.P., Hua, Q., Handley, J.C., Kaufman, D., and C. Clark, 2023, Age variability and decadal time-averaging in oyster reef death assemblages. Geology 51(11): 1067-1071. Link

Friend, D.S., B.M. Anderson, E. Altier, S. Sang, E. Petsios, R.W. Portell, and W.D. Allmon, 2023, Systematics and phylogeny of Plio-Pleistocene species of Turritellidae (Gastropoda) from Florida and the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Bulletins of American Paleontology 402: 74pp. Link

Groff, D.V., MacKenzie, C.M., Pier, J.Q., Shaffer, A.B., and G.P. Dietl, 2023, Knowing but not doing: Quantifying the research-implementation gap in conservation paleobiology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11(February 2023). Link

Hermsen, E.J., 2023, Pliocene seeds of Passiflora subgenus Decaloba (Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee) and the impact of the fossil record on understanding the diversification and biogeography of Passiflora. American Journal of Botany 110(3): 1-16. Link

Kelly, B.T., Dahl, R.M., Phelps, W.T., and M.L. Droser, 2023, Strengthening geoscience educational pathways for underrepresented students from two-year to four-year institutions. Journal of Geoscience Education. Link

Pietsch, C., Gigliotti, M., Anderson, B.M., and W.D. Allmon, 2023, Patterns and processes in the history of body size in turritelline gastropods, Jurassic to Recent. Paleobiology (March 2023): 1-21. Link


Allmon, W.D., 2022, “Extreme dinosaurs” and the continuing evolution of dinosaur paleoart. In Clary, R.M., Rosenberg, G.D., and D.C. Evans, eds., The evolution of paleontological art. Geological Society of America Memoir 218. Link

Dillon, E.M., Pier, J.Q., Smith, J.A., Raja, N.B., Dimitrijevic, D., Austin, E.L., Cybulski, J.D., Entrambasaguas, J., Durham, S.R., Grether, C.M., Haldar, H.S., Kocáková, K., Lin, C.-H., Mazzini, I., Mychajliw, A.M., Ollendorf, A.L., Pimiento, C., Fernández, O.R.R., Smith, I.E., and G.P. Dietl, 2022, What is conservation paleobiology? Tracking 20 years of research and development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10(December 2022). Link

Kelley, P.H. and G.P. Dietl, 2022, Core competencies for training conservation paleobiology students in a wicked world. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10(March 2022). Link

Matel, T.P., Gandolfo, M.A., Hermsen, E.J., and P. Wilf, 2022, Cunoniaceae infructescences from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Patagonia, Argentina. American Journal of Botany 109(6): 986-1003. Link

Smith, J.A., Pruden, M.J., Handley, J.C., Durham, S.R., and G.P. Dietl, 2022, Assessing the utility of death assemblages as reference conditions in a common benthic index (M-AMBI) with simulations. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 529. Link


Anderson, B.M., K.C. Herleman, C. Ebey, and D. Haas, 2021, Consider the following: A pilot study of the effects of an educational television program on viewer perceptions of Anthropogenic climate change and ocean acidification. Journal of Geoscience Education (August 4): 1-23. Link

Friend, D.S., B.M. Anderson, and W.D. Allmon, 2021, Geographic contingency, not species sorting, dominates macroevolutionary dynamics in an extinct clade of neogastropods (Volutospina; Volutidae). Paleobiology 47(2): 236-250. Link

Heger, T., C.A. Aguilar-Trigueros, I. Bartram, R.R. Braga, G.P. Dietl, M. Enders, D.J. Gibson, L. Gomez-Aparicio, P. Gras, K. Jax, S. Lokatis, C.J. Lortie, A.-C. Mupepele, S. Schindler, J. Starrfelt, A. Synodinos, and J.M. Jeschke, 2021, The hierarchy of hypotheses approach: a synthesis method for enhancing theory development in ecology and evolution. BioScience 71(4): 337-349. Link

Hermsen, E.J., 2021, Review of the fossil record of Passiflora, with a description of new seeds from the Pliocene Gray Fossil site, Tennessee, U.S.A. International Journal of Plant Sciences 182(6). Link

Johnson, E.H., B.M. DiMarco, D.J. Peterman, A.M. Carter, and W.D. Allmon, 2021, Reconstruction of extinct morphologies for experimentation: Did shell-crushing predators drive the evolution of ammonoid septal shape? Paleobiology 47(4): 1-14. Link

Pruden, M.J., Dietl, G.P., Handley, J.C., and J.A. Smith, 2021, Using molluscs to assess ecological quality status of soft-bottom habitats along the Atlantic coastline of the United States. Ecological Indicators 129(2021). Link

Smith, J.A., Handley, J.C. and G.P. Dietl, 2021, Accounting for uncertainty from zero inflation and overdispersion in paleoecological studies of predation using a hierarchical Bayesian framework. Paleobiology 48(1): 65-82. Link


Allmon, W.D., 2020, Invertebrate paleontology and evolutionary thinking in the U.S. and Britain, 1860-1940. Journal of the History of Biology 53, 423-450. Link

Anderson, B.M., and W.D. Allmon, 2020, High calcification rates and inferred metabolic trade-offs in the largest turritellid gastropod, Turritella abrupta (Neogene). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 544: 109623. Link

Haas, D.A., and Pyle, E.J. 2020, Working the professional organizations. In Teaching climate change in the United States. J.A. Henderson and A. Drewes, eds., pp. 212–240. Routledge, London. Link

Pietsch, C., B.M. Anderson, L.M. Maistros, E.C. Padalino, and W.D. Allmon, 2020, Convergence, parallelism, and function of extreme parietal callus in diverse groups of Cenozoic Gastropoda. Paleobiology 47(2): 337-362. Link

Quirk, Z., and E.J. Hermsen. 2020. Neogene Corylopsis seeds from eastern Tennessee. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. Link

Rojas, A., G.P. Dietl , M. Kowalewski , R.W. Portell, A. Hendy, and J.K. Blackburn, 2020, Spatial point pattern analysis of traces (SPPAT): An approach for visualizing and quantifying site-selectivity patterns of drilling predators. Paleobiology 46(2): 259-271. Link

Scholz, S.R., S.V. Petersen, J. Escobar, C. Jaramillo, A.J.W. Hendy, W.D. Allmon, J.H. Curtis, B.M. Anderson, N. Hoyos, J.C. Restrepo, and N. Perez, 2020, Isotope sclerochronology indicates enhanced seasonal precipitation in northern South America (Colombia) during the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum. Geology 48(7): 668-672. Link

Siegert, C., and E.J. Hermsen. 2020. Cavilignum pratchettii gen. et sp. nov., a novel type of fossil endocarp with open locules from the Neogene Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 275: 104174. Link

Shin, C.P., W.D. Allmon, B.M. Anderson, B.T. Kelly, K. Hiscock, and P.K.S. Shin, 2020, Distribution and abundance of turritelline gastropods (Cerithioidea: Turritellidae) in Hong Kong and the English Channel: Implications for a characteristic fossil assemblage. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1-10. Link

Smith, J.A., G.P. Dietl, and S.R. Durham, 2020. Increasing the salience of marine live-dead data in the Anthropocene. Paleobiology 46(3): 279-287. Link


Dietl, G.P., 2019, Conservation palaeobiology and the shape of things to come. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374(1788). Link

Dietl, G.P., J.A. Smith, and S.R. Durham, 2019, Discounting the past: The undervaluing of paleontological data in conservation science. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:108.

Flessa, K.W., L. Calderon-Aguilera, C.E. Cintra-Buenrostro, D.L. Dettman, G.P. Dietl, D.H. Goodwin, D.K., Jacobs, M.K. Kowalewski, S.M. Nelson, K. Rowell, J.A. Smith, and F. Zamora-Arroyo, 2019, Vaquita face extinction from bycatch. Comment on Manjarrez-Bringas et al., Lessons for sustainable development: Marine mammal conservation policies and its social and economic effects. Sustainability, 11: 2161. Link

Flessa, K.W., L.E. Calderon, C.E. Cintra-Buenrostro, D.L. Dettman, G.P. Dietl, D.H. Goodwin, D.K. Jacobs, M.K., Kowalewski, S.M. Nelson, K. Rowell, J.A. Smith, and F. Zamora-Arroyo, 2019, Comment on Rojas-Bracho and colleagues (2019): Unsubstantiated claims can lead to tragic conservation outcomes. BioScience, biz021. Link

Hagadorn, J.W., and W.D. Allmon, 2019, Paleobiology of a three-dimensionally preserved paropsonemid from the Devonian of New York. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, 513: 208-214.

Hermsen, E.J. 2019. Revisions to the fossil sporophyte record of Marsilea. Acta Palaeobotanica 59: 27–50. Link

Hermsen, E.J., N.A. Jud, F.D. Benedetti, and M.A. Gandolfo, 2019, Azolla sporophytes and spores from the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of Patagonia, Argentina. International Journal of Plant Sciences 180(7): 737-754. Link

Kelley, P.H., G.P. Dietl, and C.C. Visaggi, 2019. Model for improved undergraduate training in translational conservation science. Conservation Science and Practice, 1:e5. Link

Phuong, M.A., M.E. Alfaro, G.N. Mahardika, R.M. Marwoto, R.E. Prabowo, T. Von Rintelen, P.W.H. Vogt, J.R. Hendricks, and N. Puillandre, 2019, Lack of signal for the impact of conotoxin gene diversity on speciation rates in cone snails. Systematic Biology. Link

Sang, S., B.M. Anderson, D.S. Friend, and W.D. Allmon, 2019, Protoconch enlargement in Western Atlantic turritelline gastropod species following the closure of the Central American Seaway. Ecology and Evolution, 2019: 1-15.

Shin, C.P., Y. Moriaki, H. Iwatani, T. Kase, A.G.S. Fernando, H. Hayashi, Y. Kurihara, and H. Pandita, 2019, Neogene marine ostracod diversity and faunal composition in Java, Indonesia: Indo-Australian Archipelago biodiversity hotspot and the Pliocene diversity jump. Journal of Crustacean Biology 39(3): 244-252.

Smith, J.A., J. Handley, and G.P. Dietl, 2018. Effects of dams on downstream molluscan predator-prey interactions in the Colorado River estuary. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285: 20180724. Link

Smith, J.A., G.P. Dietl, and J.C. Handley, 2019, Durophagy bias: The effect of shell destruction by crushing predators on drilling frequency. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 514: 690–694.

Smith, J.A., and G.P. Dietl, 2019. Molluscan metacommunity dynamics in the Colorado River estuary, Mexico before upstream water diversion. Anthropocene, 25: 100194. Link

Tweitmann, A., and G.P. Dietl, 2018. Live-dead mismatch of molluscan assemblages indicates disturbance from anthropogenic eutrophication in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37(3): 615-624.

Ward, L.W., and W.D. Allmon, 2019, History of paleontology in Virginia 1607- 2007. Bulletins of American Paleontology, 397: 1-198.


Allmon, W.D., G.P. Dietl, J.R. Hendricks, and R.M. Ross, 2018, Bridging the two fossil records: Paleontology’s “big data” future resides in museum collections. In Rosenberg, G.D., and Clary, R.M., eds., Museums at the forefront of the history and philosophy of geology: History made, history in the making. Geological Society of America Special Paper 535, p. 1–10. Link

Anderson, B.M., and W.D. Allmon, 2018, When domes are spandrels: On septation in Turritellidae and other gastropods. Paleobiology, 44(3): 444–459.

Cronin, K.E, G.P. Dietl, P.H. Kelley, and S.M. Edie, 2018, Life span bias explains live-dead discordance in abundance of two common bivalves. Paleobiology, 44(4): 783–797.

Das, S.S., Saha, S., Bardhan, S., Mallick, S., and Allmon, W.D., 2018, The oldest turritelline gastropods: from the Oxfordian (upper Jurassic) of Kutch, India. Journal of Paleontology, 92(3): 373-387.

Dietl, G.P., & Flessa, K.W., 2018, Should conservation paleobiologists save the world on their own time? In Tyler, C.L., & Schneider, C.L., eds., Marine conservation paleobiology. Topics in Geobiology 47, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 11-22.

Dietl, G.P., J. Nagel-Myers, and R.B. Aronson, 2018, Indirect effects of climate change altered the cannibalistic behavior of shell-drilling gastropods in Antarctica during the Eocene. Royal Society Open Science, 5: 181446. Link

Hendricks, J.R., 2018, Diversity and preserved shell coloration patterns of Miocene Conidae (Neogastropoda) from an exposure of the Gatun Formation, Colón Province, Panama. Journal of Paleontology, 92(5): 804-837.

Ivany, L.C., C. Pietsch, J.C. Handley, R. Lockwood, W.D. Allmon, and J.A. Sessa, 2018, Little lasting impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on shallow marine mollusk faunas. Science Advances, 4: eaat5528.

Kelley, P.H., Dietl, G.P., and Visaggi, C., 2018, Training tomorrow’s conservation paleobiologists. In Tyler, C.L., & Schneider, C.L., eds., Marine conservation paleobiology. Topics in Geobiology 47, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 209-225.

Marshall, C.R., S. Finnegan, E.C. Clites, P.A. Holroyd, N. Bonuso, C. Cortez, E. Davis, G.P. Dietl, P.S. Druckenmiller, R.C. Eng, C. Garcia, K. Estes-Smargiassi, A. Hendy, K.A. Hollis, H. Little, E.A. Nesbitt, P. Roopnarine, L. Skibinski, J. Vendetti, and L.D. White, 2018, Quantifying the dark data in museum fossil collections as palaeontology undergoes a second digital revolution. Biology Letters, 14: 20180431.

Pierrehumbert, N.D., & Allmon, W.D., 2018, Morphology of crab predation scars on Recent and fossil turritellid gastropods. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, 497: 1-10.

Smith, J.A., J.A. Handley, and Dietl, G.P., 2018, On drilling frequency and Manly’s alpha: towards a null model for predator preference in paleoecology. Palaios, 33(2): 61-68.

Smith, J.A., S.R. Durha†, & Dietl, G.P., 2018, Conceptions of long-term data among marine conservation biologists and what conservation paleobiologists need to know. In Tyler, C.L., & Schneider, C.L., eds., Marine conservation paleobiology. Topics in Geobiology 47, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 23-54.


Allmon, W.D., 2017, Life-restorations of ammonites and the challenges of taxonomic uniformitarianism. Earth Science History, 36(1): 1-29.

Allmon, W.D., and Ross, R.M., 2017, Evolutionary remnants as widely accessible evidence for evolution: The structure of the argument for application to evolution education. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 11:1. Link

Anderson, B.A., A. Hendy, E.H. Johnson, and W.D. Allmon, 2017, Paleoecology and paleoenvironmental implications of turritelline gastropod-dominated assemblages from the Gatun Formation (Upper Miocene) of Panama. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, 2017: 132-146.

Barnosky, A.D., E.A. Hadley, P. Gonzalez, J. Head, P.D. Polly, A.M. Lawing, J.T. Eronen, D.D. Ackerly, K. Alex, E. Biber, J. Blois, J. Brashares, G. Ceballos, E. Davis, G.P. Dietl, R. Dirzo, H. Doremus, M. Fortelius, H.W. Greene, J. Hellmann, T. Hickler, S.T. Jackson, M. Kemp, P. L. Koch, C. Kremen, E. L. Lindsey, C. Looy, C.R. Marshall, C. Mendenhall, A. Mulch, A.M. Mychajliw, K. Nowak, U. Ramkrishnan, J. Schnitzler, K.D. Shrestha, K. Solari, L. Stegner, M.A. Stegner, N.C. Stenseth, M.H. Wake, and Z. Zhang. 2017. Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems. Science, 355:eaah4787.

Boyer, A.G., Brenner, M. , Burney, D.A. , Pandolfi, J.M. , Savarese, M. , Dietl, G.P., and Flessa, K.W., 2017, Conservation paleobiology roundtable: From promise to application. In Dietl, G.P. & Flessa, K.W., eds.. Conservation paleobiology: Science and practice. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 291-302.

Dietl, G.P., and Flessa, K.W., eds., 2017, Conservation paleobiology. Science and practice. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 316 pp.

Dietl, G.P., and Smith, J.A., 2017, Live-dead analysis reveals long-term response of the estuarine bivalve community to water diversions of the Colorado River. Ecological Engineering, 106 (B): 749-756.

Dietl, G.P., and Flessa, K.W., 2017, Conservation paleobiology in the Anthropocene. In Dietl, G.P.. & Flessa, K.W. (eds.). Conservation paleobiology: Science and practice. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 303-305.

Durham, S.R., Gillikin, D.P., Goodwin, D.H., and Dietl, G.P., 2017, Rapid determination of oyster lifespans and growth rates using LA-ICP-MS line scans of shell Mg/Ca ratios. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485: 201-209.

Johnson, E.H., B.M. Anderson, and W.D. Allmon, 2017, Can we learn anything from all those pieces? Obtaining data on drilling predation from fragmented high-spired gastropod shells. Palaios, 32(5): 271-277.

Kosloski, M.E., Dietl, G.P., and Handley, J., 2017, Anatomy of a cline: Dissecting anti-predatory adaptations in a marine gastropod along the U.S. Atlantic coast. Ecography, 40: 1285-1299.